Rocker Logik™、、ス、ハ、ィ、ソオ豸ヒ、ホツ鄲飜シエ。」122mm、ホ・ヲ・ィ・ケ・ネ、ネ、ィ、、ウ、ホノエ、マ・「・ォ・キ・「、ネカヘ、ホ・ウ・・モ・ヘ。シ・キ・逾。ヲ・ヲ・テ・ノ・ウ・「、ヌコ、鬢、ニ、、、。」・・テ・ォ。シ・チ・テ・ラ、ホノ簧マ、ネ。「・ソ。シ・タュヌス、ホール、ホスセヘ隍ホ・ィ・テ・ク、ネ。「ソシタ网ホール、ホ・サ・テ・ネ・ミ・テ・ッ。」・ォ。シ・ワ・・ユ・。・、・ミ。シ、ホキレ、オ、ネノケュ、、タ羮チ、ヒツミア、ケ、・ン・ク・ニ・」・ヨ・ュ・罕・ミ。シ。」スナ、、タ网篁モ、、ソタ网筅ェケス、、フオ、キ。」シ熙ヒノ鬢ィ、ハ、、ト、ホタ网ホニ、ヒ。「・ケ・ッ・ヲ・ゥ。シ・ノ、クニ、、ヌーネヨツ遉ュ、ハソシ、、サウ、フワサリ、キ、ニ、荀テ、ト、ア、ヒケヤ、ッ、、タ The ultimate big snow weapon with Rocker Logik geometry, 122mm waist, and a wood core made of paulownia and black locust. Rocker Logik provides a rockered tip, but also features a conventional effective edge for enhanced turning performance and proportionately less surface area behind the boots for riding deep snow. The Bomb Squad is light with carbon fiber and versatile with positive camber. This ski makes heavy snow and crud irrelevant. When the snow is in command, call up this Squad and Bomb the biggest and deepest mountain you can find.